Title: The perfect day Pairing: Ariyama Genre: Angst I guess Rating: PG Author: Mi A/N spontaneously written, I guess full of grammar and spelling mistakes. How much I care? Not at all :D answer to 'my life'
[Today was perfect from the start]Today was the perfect day. The moment Ryosuke woke up with warm rays of sunlight on his face and the sounds of birds coming through the open
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Title: the sound of waves Pairing: Ariyama Genre: friendship, angst Rating: PG Author: Mi A/N Can friendship-angst fics be called angstship? Like flangst just with friendship? I wonder ;3
[He looked at his bare feet]Slowly he forced his eyes to open. Somehow there was a tickling sensation on his face and the scent seemed very familiar too. “Daiki?” Ryosuke asked, not sure
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Title: Too far Author: Yaya Pairing: Ariyama Rating: pg Genre: friendship, slight angst A/N: Seems like I can't write long answers... I'm sorry. I think it's too short again. Please nevertheless, enjoy reading!
['You WHAT!?!']Kei knew it wasn't right to try to force Ryosuke to talk about his problem, Daiki could see it clearly on the older boy's face. Kei's
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Title: Do you know me? Pairing: YabuYama Genre: friendship, angst Rating: PG-13 Author: Mi A/N So this got really long again. 979 words. Yaya’s answers are not even half so long. You gotta continue proberly! Don’t let my effort to write go to waste ;) And since there is no Daiki in the story this time, I just wrote YabuYama as the pairing..
Title: Won't tell you anything Author: Yaya Pairing: Ariyama Rating: PG Genre: friendship, slight angst? A/N: I'm sorry I'm that late! I was ill a few days and my mom won't allow me to do anything when I'm ill! I'm so sorry! Also for the crap I always write... Please excuse me!
Title: JUMP 24/7 Pairing: Ariyama Genre: friendship, slight angst Rating: PG Author: Mi A/N Well, my answers aren't short either. I'd say don't worry about the length as long as the plot makes at least a little bit sense.
[My greatest fear: Yabumama]Since Ryosuke had only a mild concussion from his fall, he could leave the hospital as soon as he woke up and the doctors did
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Title: Best friend ever Author: Yaya Pairing: Ariyama Genre: friendship, slight angst? Rating: PG A/N: Yeah I know, I left the plot for you. Well, I didn't want to write an over long answer, so I left the story there. Please enjoy reading!
[I should understand you] Daiki's breath stoped hearing the words of his best friend. He sat up suddenly. From Yamada's gasp he knew
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Title: Responsibility and stupidity Pairing: AriYama Genre: friendship, angst Rating: PG Author: Mi A/N My my Yaya, you say I made it hard for you, but you ended the story just at the same point as I did and left the continuation of the plot to me. I feel like my writing worsened lately..